Dan Walker offers his clients in law enforcement and public safety facility design over 40 years of experience, 30 of those which were spent gaining hands-on public safety experience while simultaneously balancing the demands of his architecture career. Dan has seen, utilized, assessed, and designed a multitude of public safety and firearms facilities all over the world, and he has a keen appreciation for how these facilities impact the ability of law enforcement to effectively serve its communities.
His personal passion for public safety began early – participating in the Portsmouth Police Department’s Civilian Ride-Along Program during high school and college. After earning his Bachelor of Architecture from Hampton University in 1985, Dan was accepted as a member of the Portsmouth Auxiliary Police Unit and began training to become a Certified Police Officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Since taking his oath in 1986, he has served as a Uniformed Patrol Officer, Special Victims Units Detective, Homicide Squad Detective, Cold Case Homicide Unit Detective, and as an Auxiliary Field Training Supervisor.
Dan was promoted to Auxiliary Sergeant in 2000 and again to Auxiliary Lieutenant in 2005, serving as Auxiliary Unit Deputy Commander. During his eight years of service as the Portsmouth Police Department’s Auxiliary Field Training Supervisor, Dan was responsible for meeting with the auxiliary recruits on a regular basis, reviewing their field training progress, and ultimately recommending their release from field training to the Chief of Police upon completion of all state and local department training objectives. This hands-on training experience has proven invaluable as he consults with clients on creating flexible, functional public safety training facilities.
Honored as the Portsmouth Police Department Auxiliary Officer of the Year in 1993, 1997, and 2004, Mr. Walker retired in 2015 after 30 years and over 15,000 hours of volunteer service. His commitment to supporting law enforcement continues in his work as a public safety and firearms facility consultant, as he puts his dual sets of knowledge to use designing facilities that incorporate the best of modern technology hand-in-hand with functional building layouts.
Dan believes public service has immeasurable value and considers it a privilege to consult with those who keep our country and citizens safe. With his first-hand experience in law enforcement and public safety, he offers a one-of-a-kind skill set to his clients in public safety and law enforcement.